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After many years of dreaming, the goal of creating our very own food forest is coming in sight. We are currently on the lookout for a plot of land in Portugal and want to start planting trees, shrubs, vines and dig swales & ponds as soon as we have found the perfect place for our project.


By creating a food forest, we are:


  • developing a perennial food source for humans, animals and plants to thrive on

  • stimulating diversity in fauna and flora

  • capturing carbon by farming in stead of emitting carbon

  • minimizing our footprint

  • actually doing something about global warming

We almost have the funds for realizing this project and with a little extra we could lift it up to its full potential.


Therefore we would like to ask people to donate if they support our cause. Every donation, however small is very welcome and will be put to good use. For example:


  • a tree, depending on what species, costs between 3 and 20 Euro

  • 1 hectare costs about 10.000 euro


Donations are possible via Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH)


BTC: 1JaeqGLbTziQg3HjVNfYbUTSi7c2tFbzbh


ETH: 0x385312271efef0784cd70ac8b728c44dc0987b4d


Why did we choose BTC & ETH?


  • Donations made via bank-transfer have higher transaction fees

  • Bitcoin and Ethereum could have a bigger rate of interest when sold at the right time

  • We would like to make the most of the donations, that's also why we decided to make our own website and to not use the traditional crowdfunding websites who charge money for provided services

    We Now also accept Verge (XVG)

    XVG: DPN6wkuvXfL5a9kJEbc7Zdsf7oYJ6QBYLj

    We also have a Litecoin address for those who prefer LTC
    LTC: LRmnAq3ah579GCM6EPMm5EQNj67a4aoyei

    We also have a Dash address for those who prefer DASH
    DASH: XrwxMhM4qE9M2EpXyF6oA3iMyL3cKSMFKc


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Food Forest Crowdfunding

© 2017 by Food Forest Crowdfunding

BTC: 1JaeqGLbTziQg3HjVNfYbUTSi7c2tFbzbh

ETH: 0x385312271efef0784cd70ac8b728c44dc0987b4d

XVG: DPN6wkuvXfL5a9kJEbc7Zdsf7oYJ6QBYLj

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